Saftey Protocol for Corona
Windows to the gym will remain open
Fans will be placed on upper windows to create an airstream.
Door of the gym hall will remain open.
Windows on the hallway will remain open.
A facemask is required in the gym zaal, hallways, stairways and bathrooms.
Students should come in and out of the space just in time for their training.
Come ready so there is no need to change in the gym (no use of changing room).
Sanitizer will be provided in the bathrooms and entrance to the training hall.
Shoes will be left outside the entrance to the gym zaal.
There will be floor marks so students can keep distance
Comply with social distancing measures that apply to other venues (restaurants, workplace, etc)
See more information on the official government website Maatregelen tegen het Coronavirus
Download and use the Corona Melder app (recommended)
Rigging - Hammocks
Every student should will have there own hammock provided by kNOTdance.
Distance between points is 1.8mts.
Students should have their own